Thursday, May 2, 2024

SD Hospital denied reimbursement for medical services rendered to Mexican National patient


The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning, holding, inter alia:


  1. Reimbursement denied to SD Hospital for medical serviced rendered to Mexican National patient



Summary follows:


AVERA ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL v. SULLY COUNTY, 2024 S.D. 25:  While working in Sully County, Mexican national “suffered appendicitis and required emergency medical services,” and was transported to Avera Hospital in Hughes County for medical care.  After incurring medical bills exceeding $75,000, patient was discharged and returned to Mexico without paying.  Avera sought relief from Sully County, arguing it was so obliged to pay under “South Dakota’s poor-relief statutes.”  In particular, the County would be required to reimburse Avera under SDCL 28-13-37 which requires payment by County for "any person not an inhabitant of their county is lying sick therein or in distress, without friends or money.”  The County denied reimbursement.  Both the trial court and the SD Supreme Court affirmed denial of reimbursement, with the SD Supreme Court stating:


Sully County had no chance to investigate whether [the Mexican national patient] was “lying sick” in its county or “in distress,” [prior to transportation to Avera Hospital in Hughes County].


The Court’s decision was unanimous (5-0), with opinion authored by Justice Myren.  NOTE:  in addition to ruling against Avera Hospital, the SD Supreme Court also rejected arguments presented in the Amicus Curiae Brief of the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations, filed in support of Appellant Avera Hospital. 


This decision may be accessed at .