Thursday, June 20, 2024

Stepparent Adoption Denied; Felonious Property Damage Conviction Upheld


The SD Supreme Court handed down two decisions this morning:


  1. Stepparent adoption denied;


  1. Felonious property damage conviction upheld.


Summaries follows:


ADOPTION OF I.V.E., C.A.E., AND L.A.E., 2024 S.D. 32: This is an attempted stepparent adoption in which the argument is made that the father’s consent may be considered waived by the Court under SDCL 25-6-4, in particular under SDCL 25-6-4 (3) and (4).  (neglect and failure to support).  The trial court denied the adoption and the SD Supreme Court affirmed, holding that the evidence produced by Mother and Step Father failed to establish the grounds of SDCL 25-6-4 (3) and (4) by “clear and convincing evidence.” The Court’s ruling is unanimous (5-0) with opinion authored by Justice DeVaney.


STATE v. HAHN, 2024 S.D. 33: In what appears to be a random act of vandalism by a “highly intoxicated” Defendant, the jury convicted the Defendant “of intentional damage to property with the damage amount totaling more than $1,000 but less than $2,500,” with the damaged property being the front door of a residence.  The sole issue on appeal was the assertion that the state failed to meet the “correct legal standard for determining damages” in regard to the value of the front door. The SD Supreme Court affirmed.  The Court’s ruling is unanimous (5-0) with opinion authored by Justice Salter.


These decisions may be accessed at .