Thursday, April 29, 2021

) Euthanization order for vicious dogs upheld

The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning, holding inter alia: 


1)    Euthanization order for vicious dogs upheld


Summary follows:


 CITY OF ONIDA v. BRANDT & MEYER, 2021 S.D. 27:  City sought to euthanize dogs (“two black, Labrador-mix dogs”) it deemed to be “vicious animals” under City Ordinance.  Trial court found that the city ordinance was inapplicable but authorized the Sully County Sheriff to euthanize the dogs under SDCL 7-12-29.  Dog owners appealed.  The SD Supreme Court affirmed.  This ruling is unanimous with opinion authored by Chief Justice Jensen. 

This decision may be accessed at .