Thursday, August 15, 2024

Lawsuit against pesticide applicator reinstated


The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning, holding, inter alia:


1)    Lawsuit against Pesticide Applicator reinstated



Summary follows:


JUCHT v. SCHULZ, 2024 S.D. 46: Soybean farmed sued neighbor for crop damage arising out of neighbor’s spraying of pesticide which drifted.  The trial court dismissed the lawsuit on the basis of “failure to state a claim” because the Complaint did not allege compliance with SDCL 38-21-46’s thirty (30) day notice requirement for actions against a “pesticide applicator.”  The SD Supreme Court reversed, acknowledging that farmer’s Complaint’s alleged, “actual notice of DANR’s investigation of [farmer’s] complaint” filed by farmer with the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR).  And, by further holding:


[¶9.] … While SDCL 38-21-46 requires that the person claiming damage give notice of the alleged damage to the pesticide applicator, failure to provide such notice does not bar the claimant from bringing their claim. Instead, a claimant is barred from seeking recovery under SDCL 38-21-47 when the claimant “fails to allow entry” to the pesticide applicator to observe and inspect the alleged damage.


In the footnote corresponding to the “*” in the language above, the Court distinguishes the language of  this pesticide applicator statute (SDCL 38-21-46) from the language of SDCL 3-21-2 which imposes a 180 notice requirement for suits against a public entity.

This ruling is unanimous (5-0) with opinion authored by Justice Myren.


This decision may be accessed at .