The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning,
holding inter alia:
Criminal Convictions reversed because “illegal
immigrant” status of victim not disclosed to jury
STATE v. KROUSE, 2022 S.D. 54: Adjudicated by bench trial, Defendant was
convicted of 2nd degree Arson of her home. The facts of this case would provide an
interesting narrative for Dateline, assuming Dateline were interested in
non-death scenarios. Home was valued at
over $ 1 million; Defendant (home owner) was divorced and receiving alimony of $21,000
monthly. The criminal investigation for
the fire originated from the fire insurer’s investigation and by referral from
the fire insurer’s investigators to law enforcement authorities. The SD Supreme Court affirmed. This decision is unanimous (5-0), with
opinion authored by Justice DeVaney.
This decision may be accessed at