Thursday, August 26, 2021

SD permitted to entertain work comp claim for injury in Wyoming

 The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning, holding inter alia: 


  1. SD is authorized to entertain work comp claim for accident occurring in Wyoming notwithstanding previous claim in Wyoming


Summary follows:


ANDERSON v. TRI STATE CONSTRUCTION, 2021 S.D. 50:  This is an attempt to file a work comp claim in South Dakota in connection with an injury that occurred in Wyoming.  Employer is a corporation formed and headquartered in SD.  After initially filing a claim in Wyoming and receiving benefits there, employee realized that SD’s law were more favorable than Wyoming’s law.  (Employee “discovered that Wyoming law limited her eligibility to collect total disability benefits to 80 months, whereas in South Dakota, she could be eligible to receive permanent total disability benefits.”)  The DOL dismissed the claim for lack of jurisdiction and the Circuit Court affirmed.  The SD Supreme Court reversed and remanded, stating:


[W]e hold that South Dakota has a substantial connection to Anderson and Tri State’s employment relationship sufficient to  provide the Department with authority to adjudicate Anderson’s claim.  Accordingly, Anderson’s claim for workers’ compensation benefits does not offend principles of due process. Martin, 2011 S.D. 57, ¶ 9, 804 N.W.2d at 67.


This decision is unanimous (5-0) with opinion authored by Justice Kern.   



This decision may be accessed at .