Thursday, May 20, 2021

Public Road exists despite contrary indication Recorded Plat


The SD Supreme Court handed down one decision this morning, holding inter alia: 


  1. Public Road exists, despite lack of obligation of maintenance by County or Township


Summary follows:


NELSON v. GARBER, 2021 S.D. 32:  This dispute, which arose Roberts County, is summarized in the 1st paragraph of the Court’s opinion:


[¶1.] Nelsons, Garber, and Dakotaraptor dispute their ownership interest in a section of roadway in the Bayview East Addition, referred to as Caster’s Road. The circuit court granted summary judgment in favor of Garber and Dakotaraptor. It held that Caster’s Road is a public road that the county or township does not maintain, and the Nelsons hold no right to control who uses the road. The Nelsons appeal the circuit court’s order. We affirm.


This decision holds that a road may be a public road even if it is not maintained by a township or county, despite the fact contrary language on the recorded plat states that the road is dedicated for “Private Use.”  The trial court’s consideration of parol evidence on this issue was upheld.  Footnote 6 of the opinion is also helpful in understanding this case:


6. Our holding today does not require the County or Township to maintain Caster’s Road. See SDCL 11-3-12 (approval of a plat does not require governing body to “open, improve, or maintain” dedicated streets).


This decision is unanimous, with opinion authored by Justice Myren.


This decision may be accessed at .